Blogskin based on the very lovely song by Augustana, Boston.
♥About me♥
♥Her name is Christianne
Currently studying in Saint Hilda's Secondary School 31st July is her day ThirTEENis her sweet age Hugging screaming and being hyper is her obsession. Lived in US for a year
Has a lovely, awesome, amazing, wonderful, beautiful twin
She currently is confused of the phase of love she's in
The rest of her story continues here...
Mini Chocolate Chip Cookie! Our outing on 18th October 2008 Mini, Cookie and me walking back to Aquarius. . Mini and I walking together hand in hand. I love this picture. I'm so glad that Chocolate took a picture of it!
For this, I'm not sure. I think we were talking about something. Kind of obvious, isn't it? Now why isn't Chocolate with us?