My uncle is staying at my house. He is so cute. I mean baby cute. He's only 8!!! haha... Now my brother is acting like a responsible older brother! Finally... Smiley smiley... They're going to sleep in the living room with AIR-CON! I'm happy for my brother. He has another boy in the family, at least for a while... I'm happy too that I have a BIG sister, BIG brother, YOUNGER sister and a temporary YOUNGER brother! I'm the middle child... So awesome. Wanted to be that for a long time. Except now MC and I have to take care of him tomorrow because Bryan will be with his Sec 2 church boys partying at Sentosa... A class party with Eugene Tan... Weird guy... Nicky..irritating...Sean..Nerdy but funny...Alex..really funny... That's all I know from his class...
Today, I stayed at church from like 10am to 4pm plus. Got Uncle Ting Hong. Ting Hong made jokes. Then went to get Bryan from Nicky's house after he got his cool haircut. Ting Hong made more jokes. Then reached home. Uncle Larry and his family came for dinner. Went around Pinevale playing Poison Ball and I Have Never. Made Reuel embarassed. Killed Reuel in I Have Never. Made him embarassed again. Looked at pictures of us last time. His family went home. Bryan, Ting Hong, Dad sleeping in living room now.