Happy New Year!
School's amazing. I feel so anxious. I also feel so excited about this adventure!!! I got selected to go to Netball. I really hope I get in. If Marianne and I get in, we would be the third pair of twins in a row joining Netball. But I'm not going to join just because of that. I want to try to join a sport cca and this sport has helped my older sis a lot... I miss Mun Yu... I saw Nicole today. If I didn't, I would say that I missed her too. I miss Christabel. I miss Clara a lot.
I'm listening to Shine by Krystal Meyers. It sounds really nice. I'm starting to like Miley Cyrus again. I listened to some of her songs and it's cool. Like, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "Wake Up, America". "Wake Up, America" is really meaningful and amazing.
Matthew's 159. I always thought that he would be 170cm. But obviously, he's too young. So I guess 159 is ok. Nat Loong's 154? Martin's 140cm, I think. While Owen is 144. You may be thinking why I'm so nosey, asking different people and sometimes people that I've barely met. But... But... It's because I'm like making a survey. You know? Well, it's a mental survey. If Owen is still in SHS when he's S4, I'll ask him how tall he is again. Maybe he'll be really tall. Maybe not. I bet once he's tall and I'm short, he'll be like laughing in my face... Owen, please don't do that. But if you want to then do it. I'm not even sure if he'll read this. Ooh! I have to ask Craig how tall he is too. ... I really want to be 170cm. If not, 165cm. That's like the minimum. No, maybe 162cm. I don't think I'll be growing any more. Marianne, I know that you'll be commenting on my previous statement. Chen Ting and Jaime are like my height now. It's scary. I can tell that some people are going through growth spurts. Wait a minute, why am I talking about PUBERTY? Sick... sick... Not sick anymore...
I think I'm enjoying school. I aiming to pay attention during class so that I can improve in my studies. But nowadays, I'm finding it hard cos sometimes I think about other things while teachers are talking. Kind of like Day-Dreaming. Sometimes. I think about the past too. Most of the times... It's like out of the blue, I think about random things. Like memories, dreams, nightmares, sad things...
Marianne told me her story of Honey, I love you. It was so funny. Extremely.
Hildan Torch was awesome. Very... What's the word? The word that Huimin and Clayton keeps on using. Wait, more like Hui Min. So what's the word again? Sad? That's Clayton's word. Oh, solemn... Clayton just said we had to feel sad before the Hildan Torch because everyone's laughing like mad. Especially Evangeline. School is fun. So far...
School's amazing. I feel so anxious. I also feel so excited about this adventure!!! I got selected to go to Netball. I really hope I get in. If Marianne and I get in, we would be the third pair of twins in a row joining Netball. But I'm not going to join just because of that. I want to try to join a sport cca and this sport has helped my older sis a lot... I miss Mun Yu... I saw Nicole today. If I didn't, I would say that I missed her too. I miss Christabel. I miss Clara a lot.
I'm listening to Shine by Krystal Meyers. It sounds really nice. I'm starting to like Miley Cyrus again. I listened to some of her songs and it's cool. Like, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "Wake Up, America". "Wake Up, America" is really meaningful and amazing.
Matthew's 159. I always thought that he would be 170cm. But obviously, he's too young. So I guess 159 is ok. Nat Loong's 154? Martin's 140cm, I think. While Owen is 144. You may be thinking why I'm so nosey, asking different people and sometimes people that I've barely met. But... But... It's because I'm like making a survey. You know? Well, it's a mental survey. If Owen is still in SHS when he's S4, I'll ask him how tall he is again. Maybe he'll be really tall. Maybe not. I bet once he's tall and I'm short, he'll be like laughing in my face... Owen, please don't do that. But if you want to then do it. I'm not even sure if he'll read this. Ooh! I have to ask Craig how tall he is too. ... I really want to be 170cm. If not, 165cm. That's like the minimum. No, maybe 162cm. I don't think I'll be growing any more. Marianne, I know that you'll be commenting on my previous statement. Chen Ting and Jaime are like my height now. It's scary. I can tell that some people are going through growth spurts. Wait a minute, why am I talking about PUBERTY? Sick... sick... Not sick anymore...
I think I'm enjoying school. I aiming to pay attention during class so that I can improve in my studies. But nowadays, I'm finding it hard cos sometimes I think about other things while teachers are talking. Kind of like Day-Dreaming. Sometimes. I think about the past too. Most of the times... It's like out of the blue, I think about random things. Like memories, dreams, nightmares, sad things...
Marianne told me her story of Honey, I love you. It was so funny. Extremely.
Hildan Torch was awesome. Very... What's the word? The word that Huimin and Clayton keeps on using. Wait, more like Hui Min. So what's the word again? Sad? That's Clayton's word. Oh, solemn... Clayton just said we had to feel sad before the Hildan Torch because everyone's laughing like mad. Especially Evangeline. School is fun. So far...
Definition of Solemn
sol⋅emn [sol-uh