Lucky? Unlucky?
Happy Friday the thirteen!
so awesome. I love it...
So fun.
Anyway, Xue Ting told me a lot about Volleyball. Kind of cool. Compared to Netball, it's so much more tougher. Either that or it's just the way I described what we do in Netball. Haha. I hope volleyball girls and netball girls will become good friends. i hope there won't be any bitching. Especially if there's competition. You never know.
Oh... Wait... Did that happen yesterday or today?! Oh my word. I'm lost in time. Hmm... I think today. Yeah... It did happen today. Haha. Christianne! Please... Please don't tell me you have amnesia...
Ooh... Now somebody's questioning how I'm related to Gordon and Chester. Ugh! Seriously! They're my cousins.
Oh, while Nicole Xue Ting, and I were hi-fiving and slapping them real hard, Chester came over. "Who wants to hi-5 me?"
At first we didn't reply, we just played with ourselves. Then Xue Ting bravely laid her hand out for him to slap. Odd Chester aimed and slapped. "OWww!" Xue ting cried... So fun that I wanted to try. "Wah! Very pain. Just now I didn't open my hand properly, so now it's so pain."
"Ooh! I wanna try!" Guess who said that. Yay me!
Xue Ting, being a good friend, said, "open your hand straight, so it won't be so pain. The pain will be at the outer palm." Smart girl!!!
"I'm scared she'll cry. Wait..." He said. Being weird, he aims...
He took quite a long time... So I was like saying something to Nicole when I screamed, "Ahh!" Chester smiled in satisfaction. Hmph. "That was so awesome!!! Do again! Do again! Feels pain but very refreshing and... AWESOME!"
Now... What's the unlucky part? Marianne and me were angry at Nicole and Chen Ting. You can't believe what the impact was. It was like double attack. Nicole actually cried. Her eyes got red. Oh, ooh. I see a tear! No! Don't cry, Nicole. It's okay. We just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't forget about our bags. Didn't mean to make you cry... So sorry...
When we told Chen Ting. She felt like as if she could cry. Oh my. Well, at least now I know my advantages. haha! As if...
During Netball, Nicole hit me with the netball like about three times accidentally. It's okay. Pain doesn't last forever.
Wait a minute, I'm not superstitious. I don't believe in luck. But in terms of Friday 13th, I shall point out the "lucky" and "unlucky" things on this special and unique day!
I feel so untouched
And I want you so much
That I just can't resist you
It's not enough to say that I miss you
I feel so untouched right now
Need you so much somehow
I can't forget you
I've gone crazy from the moment I met you
And I want you so much
That I just can't resist you
It's not enough to say that I miss you
I feel so untouched right now
Need you so much somehow
I can't forget you
I've gone crazy from the moment I met you